A Clock Full of Surprises

Good morning!
Wake up to a new Klydo animation every day.
Klydoclock comes included with a lifetime subscription to a constantly updating collection of new animations!
Your Choice
Use the Klydoclock remote to easily select the right Klydo animation for the right time.
Ticks & Tocks
Each passing hour is accompanied by a gentle tick and ends with a celebratory chime. You can adjust the volume or set it to quiet mode.
Your Favorites
Tag your favorite Klydo animations, in time more of the same will come your way!
Good Night!
Set your Klydoclock to night mode to rest up for tomorrow's amazing new animations.
Good morning!
Wake up to a new Klydo animation every day.
Klydoclock comes included with a lifetime subscription to a constantly updating collection of new animations!
Your Choice
Use the Klydoclock remote to easily select the right Klydo animation for the right time.

Ticks & Tocks
Each passing hour is accompanied by a gentle tick and ends with a celebratory chime. You can adjust the volume or set it to quiet mode.
Your Favorites
Tag your favorite Klydo animations, in time more of the same will come your way!
Good Night!
Set your Klydoclock to night mode to rest up for tomorrow's amazing new animations.
Is there a subscription required?
Klydoclock comes with a free lifetime subscription, giving you access to a constantly growing library of animations. From day one, you’ll enjoy thousands of Klydo animations, with fresh content added daily to keep your Klydoclock experience exciting and ever-evolving.
How can I browse through all the Klydo animations? Is there an app?
Browsing is through our endless Klydo feed is simple with the included remote control. You can use it to select animations, mark favorites, and adjust your clock settings to suit your needs. Plus, a new app experience is coming soon, offering an exciting new way to discover and enjoy Klydo animations! Stay tuned.
Can you switch between Klydos automatically?
Yes! You can choose how often your Klydo changes—every 1, 5, 15, or 60 minutes, or switch to a newly added Klydo once per day. And if you prefer to keep things steady, you can also set one Klydo to stay fixed on display.
Who makes the Klydos?
The talented artists behind the Klydos come from a broad international group, many of which are members of the K.A.C. (Klydo Artist Collective)
Does Klydoclock require an internet connection?
An internet connection is required upon initial setup, to get the latest content, updates and accurate time. However, viewing and browsing Klydos is possible offline.
What happens if I'm not connected to the internet?
Klydoclock was designed to provide an online-connected experience, allowing users to enjoy daily Klydo animation updates, automatic time synchronization (just like your smartphone), software updates, and exciting new features. This connected functionality ensures the full Klydo experience we envisioned.
However, the device also includes internal storage to support a seamless offline experience, capable of holding hundreds of Klydo animations. Even offline, users have access to a wide variety of animations to explore and enjoy.
If the internal storage reaches its limit, Klydoclock automatically manages the stored animations, prioritizing newer ones while maintaining smooth performance. Importantly, the broader library of Klydo animations remains accessible online, and soon, we’ll release an app to make browsing and accessing this library even easier. To keep a specific animation always available, users can mark it as a 'Favorite,' ensuring it stays on the device.
In summary, Klydoclock is at its best when connected, but even offline, it provides a delightful and versatile experience for users.
How is it powered?
Klydoclock requires a constant power connection and does not use batteries. It comes with a 12V 2A USB-C adapter and a 2m (6.5ft) cable, allowing flexible placement while staying reliably powered.
Do I need to set the time?
No need to set the time. Klydoclock is set by default to adjust according to the international internet standard set by the NTP, (Network Time Protocol), You can override it by adjusting the time using the knob.
Can I hang Klydoclock on a wall?
Klydoclock is designed to sit beautifully on a shelf, mantel, or any flat surface. While it’s not made for wall mounting, we’re always exploring new ideas, so stay tuned for future innovations!
Can I adjust the display brightness?
Yes. There are several options to adjust display brightness, both manually and automatically
Can I adjust the Ticks & Chimes volume?
Yes! You can set the volume to your liking or mute them entirely.
Will there be a larger Klydoclock? A smaller one? A KlydoWatch? A Klydo Time Machine?
We're constantly amazed by the creative ideas we hear from our users and fans, your suggestions truly inspire us! While we can't reveal any specifics just yet, we're always exploring ways to innovate and expand the Klydoclock experience. Keep sharing your thoughts, who knows what time will bring next?